Aminet 19
Aminet 19 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1997].iso
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183 lines
AminetParse v1.05
© 1997 by Daniel J. Andrea II
NOTE: This software is offered as GIFTWARE. If you like it, then you can
send me something in payment of your choice (other programs, disks,
computers, cars, etc.) at the address at the end of this document. No
warranty of any kind is offered with this software or implied, or for
suitability of purpose. It's use is entirely at your own risk.
No fees can be charged for this software, other than the nominal fees for
the cost of magnetic media and copying of the software onto that media,
not to exceed the amount of US $5 for a disk containing this software.
Copies of this software must include this documentation file for
redistribution through Fred Fish or other similar software collections.
What is it?
AminetParse is a small utility to parse Aminet RECENT or INDEX lists into
Thor's file database. This is quite a bit faster than the arexx script
supplied with Thor. I experimented quite a bit with the arexx script, but
the best I could get with it was approximately 22 files added per second.
AminetParse is quite fast. On my system, it reaches speeds in excess of
150 files added per second. In some cases I've seen it hit peaks of over
200 files per second!
Recent files can be filtered with the Sortmail.excl file, just like in
Sortmail. Also, as of AminetParse 1.05, a NewFiles.txt file will be
created in the proper directory just like Sortmail does. This will only
be done on RECENT listings. AminetParse does absolutely nothing with the
NewFiles.txt file when parsing INDEX listings.
Note: NewFiles.txt will be replaced completely every time AminetParse is
run with a RECENT listing.
AminetParse requires Thor 2.3+ (at least ver 4 of bbsread.library) and
AmigaOS 2.04+.
Well, it's real simple. AminetParse is a cli-only program, and can be run
from anywhere. Probably the best place would be in the bin sub-directory
of Thor's main directory. Just copy it to wherever you want to run it
AminetParse is a shell-only program. If you try to start it from the
Workbench, you will most likely crash your machine.
Just type AminetParse in a shell and you'll get output like this:
AminetParse 1.05 (29-Apr-97) © 1997 Daniel J. Andrea II
Usage: AminetParse <system name> <Aminet INDEX/RECENT file> EXCLUDE
where <system name> is name of system to add files to
<Aminet INDEX/RECENT file> is full path and name of INDEX/RECENT file
EXCLUDE (optional) tells AminetParse to use the Sortmail.excl file
from inside the BBS's data directory to exclude certain file
areas from being added to the database.
All you need is the name of your System in Thor, as in EMail&News (that's
my BBS system name), and the full path and name of the INDEX/RECENT file.
For example:
AminetParse EMail&News SYS:temp/INDEX
will add the file INDEX from the drawer SYS:temp/ to the file database in
the Thor system EMail&News.
AminetParse EMail&News SYS:temp/INDEX EXCLUDE
will do the same as the previous example, but will use the Sortmail.excl
file from inside the data directory of the BBS you enter. If there is no
Sortmail.excl file, AminetParse will continue as if the EXCLUDE option
hadn't been entered along with a warning message.
That's it!
While AminetParse is running, you will get occasional status messages.
First it will tell you whether this is a RECENT listing, such as daily or
weekly, or a full INDEX. Then it will print out numbers periodically to
show how many files have been processed. Whenever a file area is parsed
that is not in the file database, it will automatically add it and print
out a message that it did so.
When it's finished, AmintParse will print out some statistics about the
file parsing.
Note: The file supplied to AminetParse as an INDEX/RECENT listing must not
have any extra info before the first line starting with the "|" character
and containing either the word "Complete" or "Recent". AminetParse will
check for the existence of that info in the very first line it reads in
from the text file to verify this is an Aminet INDEX/RECENT file listing.
If these items are not present, AminetParse will quit with an error message
without modifying anything in Thor's file database. I'm going to change
this in the near future, so files with info before the first "|" line will
be ignored by AminetParse.
There are no known bugs at this time. If you find any, please contact me
at the E-Mail address or Snail-Mail address below with bug reports. Be
sure to include information on what other software was running and what
kind of system you have. Bug fixes will be incorporated into AminetParse
as soon as possible.
v1.00 -- Initial release.
v1.01 -- Added filtering based on the Sortmail script's filtering.
AminetParse uses the same file format, and will read the
file Sortmail.excl from the BBS's data directory.
v1.02 -- Well, it did have a bug. Found my date calculation was
off by a couple of days. Now shows correct date.
v1.03 -- Added Checking for valid INDEX/RECENT file. Removed a
warning message that wasn't needed. Should fix some
problems noted by Trevor Daley.
v1.04 -- Changed data calculation again. This version should work
better now.
v1.05 -- Added NewFiles.txt creation during parsing of RECENT
I can be contacted through Internet E-Mail at:
or through Snail-Mail at:
Daniel J. Andrea II
1331 Metropolitan St.
Leavenworth, KS 66048
To check up on AminetParse development and other projects when they arise,
point your web browser at
AminetParse was developed on a 25 MHz A3000 using SAS/C v6.57.
I will be adding an Arexx script to run from Sortmail that uses
AminetParse to do the Aminet Daily/Weekly listings. When it is finished,
I will add it to the archive and upload a new version to Aminet.
Have you got an idea for improvement? Let me know and I'll see what I can
Special thanks to Petter Nilsen of the Thor team for help with my early
version of AminetParse. I couldn't see the trees in the forest so to
speak, and he helped me sort it out. Thanks, Petter!
Also, thanks to Trevor Daley for pointing out the date calculation